It's that time, folks! LIMITED EDITION time. First up, you'll get TWO new books, THE OLD RED TRUCK and TIGERS ON THE PROWL. Each book is 6 5/8 " x 10 1/4" of love, 16 pages a pop. THE OLD RED TRUCK is a solid comics story , autobiographical (har har) about my father and I restoring my 1951 Ford F1. This is a very personal story to me, something I've had constructed for awhile, and now's finally the time to present it to the masses. TIGERS ON THE PROWL is a different animal...each page features images of the world-famous tiger design from SOUTHPAW and TIGER!TIGER!TIGER! These are paintings from past gallery shows and exhibits, collected and seeing print for the first time. In the tradition of past shows, these are extremely limited sets. 50 total. You'll get both books, signed and numbered, and some kind of original art, as well, more than likely a tiger painting, to sweeten the deal! How much, you ask? Same as last year's STRANGE SCIENCE FA...