You can now order the limited editions of A GLIMPSE OF CRIME AND TERROR and STRANGE SCIENCE FANTASY world-wide! CLICK HERE TO ORDER! A GLIMPSE OF CRIME AND TERROR is a very small "preview" print run of the upcoming CRIME AND TERROR hardcover series from Steve Niles and Scott Morse. This volume, an oversized board book hardcover at 9"x12" with rounded corners, is limited to 500 copies (going fast after the debut at TR!CKSTER) and runs $25 plus shipping and tax (in CA). It'll come signed by me if you order through my site. STRANGE SCIENCE FANTASY's "limited edition" is the high quality trade issued from IDW, signed and numbered by me and shipping with TWO pieces of original art from the actual book. Each page was executed as three separate panels, and with each limited edition you'll get two of these panels, picked by me, to accompany your book. Limited to 25 copies, these might go quick. $50 plus shipping and tax (in CA). Get 'em while you c...