TR!CKSTER: commissions and info!

Hey people- It's been awhile. I've been busy. I wanted to fill you in a bit on what's been keeping me off the grid here. TR!CKSTER 2 is almost upon us. This thing is an incredibly crazy endeavor. It's run out-of-pocket by me, Ted Mathot, and Anita Coulter. That's why we're using indiegogo to help offset the headaches. If you can pitch in a bit, please try. We want TR!CKSTER to continue to succeed and breathe life into the creator-owned, DIY world of storytelling. DONATE HERE Now, at TR!CKSTER this year I'll personally be doing a few different things: I'll be moderating the SYMPOSIA , which are ticketed workshops on writing method and art demos by today's top storytellers. Grab a ticket at that link...there's limited seating and these are INCREDIBLE chances to learn how working storytellers do their thing first-hand. I'll also be producing what might be my last commission-style work in awhile. I'll be doing these commissions daily from...