Due to demand and fairness, since we only offered a mere 20 limited edition copies of TIGER!TIGER!TIGER!, I'm pleased to now offer unlimited copies of TIGER!TIGER!TIGER! with an original art bookplate for $50 a piece, shipping included in the US (more overseas). You'll receive a copy of the book signed inside with a loosely inserted original 5"x7" painting to either keep in the book as a bookplate or remove and frame. I'm very proud of this book, my first real foray into autobiographical storytelling. I'd love for everyone visiting the blog to have an opportunity to grab an offordable piece of art as well, so here's your chance, expecially if you don't have opportunities to attend convention appearances.
These will not be limited editions. You're free to order multiple copies for gift-giving. If these things start showing up on eBay in mass quantitites, though, this might be the last opportunity for original art in awhile...(there's a bookplate on eBay now that I did at APE for one of these editions...for $50 by itself. Here, you get the book as well, signed, before it even hits stands).
Drop me a line at crazymorse*at*sbcglobal.net and I'll get you Paypal info, but a button might go up soon for easy ordering through the end of the month...
**Also, there's been a number of inquiries about the ANCIENT BOOK and FRANKENSTEIN limited editions. I'm sorry to say they're all spoken for at this time.
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