OUTAD 9pcs New Outdoor 9pcs Camping Hiking Cookware Backpacking Cooking Picnic Bowl Pot Pan Set

Camping in the coldness of winter requires special equipment to keep you warm, dry and safe. Camping in the summer requires a great deal of equipment as well. While you may know how to select the ideal equipment to keep your comfortable and safe in any season, you may be neglecting to think about one important item that you need to pack. These are the items you need to cook your meals with. When you purchase the ideal set, you'll have something easy to carry with you and that works well for what you need it for.

With the OUTAD Camping Cookware and Pot Set, you get a pot and a frying pan along with 9 other pieces.

What's nice about this set is that it's lightweight. It weighs a total of only 1.77 lbs, so you'll never even realize it's in your bag that may already be loaded with other items to the point where it's almost too heavy for you to carry already. And who wants to lug around additional weight if it's not necessary? Getting a back ache totally defeats the purpose of the hot tea to relax you.

The pieces are all made of light aluminum oxide, which have a high thermal conductivity. This means it can handle high temperatures well, which is important when cooking while camping.

Net Weight: 803g
Shipping Weight: 861g
Main Material: Light aluminum oxide

Package Includes:
1 × OUTAD Camping Cookware and Pot Set

Buy OUTAD 9pcs New Outdoor 9pcs Camping Hiking Cookware Backpacking Cooking Picnic Bowl Pot Pan Set at amazon


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