Here goes: Signed and numbered, edition of 50, signed by AT LEAST two of the artists, but more than likely all four. Each limited edition book will come with a unique hand-painted stamped image. The stamps used to create the art will be retired after these 50 books are produced. First come, first served, e-mail me at crazymorse*at*sbcglobal*dot*net if you want one. As I receive your e-mail, I'll let you know where to paypal funds to. PAYPAL ONLY, unless you're picking it up at San Diego Comic Con, then I'll take cash. These books should ship right before or right after the con in a timely fashion, and again, if you're attending the con, I'll set yours aside and you can pick it up on site. Please specify which number you'd like if you own the MYTH AND WAR limited and want a match.
$60 plus shipping (and international orders will get nailed with those lovely international rates, I'm afraid).
There will be approximately 100 copies on hand at the con, as well, at retail price, first come-first served. The book is indeed sold out at the distributor level, meaning you may or may not get one at a retailer or through Amazon, even if you've ordered, I'm afraid. Amazon will allocate as they receive books, and all their books will ship from me to them by tomorrow. If you're worried about scoring a copy, check with NUCLEUS or STUART NG and reserve a copy form them asap.
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